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Deborah Berebichez

Lead Scientist in Microelectronics and Quantum Computing at VTT; Former Chief Data Scientist at Metis; AI & IoT Expert; TV Personality

Deborah Berebichez is the first Mexican woman to graduate from Stanford University with a Ph.D. in Physics, and she uses her education and background to make complex topics approachable to a wide range of audiences.


Deborah co-hosts Discovery Channel’s Outrageous Acts of Science TV show, where she uses her knowledge of physics to explain the science behind extraordinary engineering feats.


She also appears as an expert on the Travel Channel, the History Channel, PBS NOVA, CNN, FOX, MSNBC and numerous international media outlets.


Deborah is the Lead Scientist in Microelectronics and Quantum Computing at VTT, one of Europe’s leading research institutes. Her responsibilities include setting the research agenda for VTT’s quantum computer and for its quantum-adjacent technologies.


She guides the business relationships with numerous companies who use VTT’s quantum facilities to churn out a variety of innovative products.


Previously, she was Chief Data Scientist at Metis, where she directed its education programs in data literacy, machine learning and artificial intelligence.


She is an internationally sought-after speaker and presenter and has appeared as a speaker and panelist at events across the world.


Deborah’s work in quantum technologies is solidified by her extraordinary academic background: her physics Ph.D. adviser at Stanford was Nobel Laureate Bob Laughlin, who discovered the fractional quantum Hall effect.


She also worked with Nobel Laureate Steve Chu on cooling atoms with laser light.


She completed two postdoctoral fellowships at Columbia University's Applied Math and Physics Department and at NYU's Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, where she carried out research in the area of waves and optimization.


She has published in the area of photonics, and also invented a highly effective technique in the field of wireless communications whereby a cell phone user can communicate with a desired target user in a location far away.


Deborah’s work in science education and outreach has been recognized by the WSJ, Oprah, TED, DLD, WIRED, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and others.


She is an AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador for her work inspiring and empowering young women to learn science and to improve the state of STEM education in the world.


Deborah has her own 3D-printed life-sized statue in the #IFTHENSHECAN exhibit park in Dallas, TX.


She has delivered keynote talks to audiences ranging in size from 20 people to 18,000 people, including presentations at IBM, YPO, Grace Hopper Celebration (largest conference for women in tech worldwide), Morgan Stanley, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim and Allstate.


She is a John C. Whitehead Fellow at the Foreign Policy Association, a winner of the Leading Hispanics in STEM STAR Award and a recipient of the Top Latina Tech Blogger Award by the Association of Latinos in Social Media. 


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Journey into the Future:
An Evening with Deborah Berebichez

Join Deborah as she takes you on a trip into the future.


Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computers (QC), this future offers new possibilities for personal growth, exciting business opportunities, and some unique challenges related to privacy and security. 


Deborah’s depth of knowledge in this space allows her the versatility to customize each presentation based on the needs of the audience, and is filled with real-life examples based on her work and expertise. 


Curious about cars that can repair themselves? Homes that know you better than your most intimate partner? Retail applications that anticipate customer tastes? Manufacturing that is both innovative and agile? Or cities that are welcoming and sustainable? These are just a few of the topic areas that Deborah can shine a light on, demonstrating what’s possible for our collective future.


Deborah also shares the incredibly impactful story of how she grew up in a conservative community that discouraged girls from pursuing careers in science, technology, and engineering. In high school she was told that it would be better for her to pursue a “female” career. But she wanted to understand how the world works, so she defied her parents and friends and studied physics, becoming the first Mexican woman to graduate with a doctorate in physics from Stanford. 


In this inspiring and informative presentation, Deborah shares the ups and downs of her path to becoming a physicist, demonstrates how we can all remove barriers, and succeed on our own terms by using the tools and technology that are now at our very fingertips.




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Deborah, an award-winning visionary and deep-tech and data science executive who has implemented strategies to drive the adoption of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and big data, tells us not only how, but why.


As the Lead Scientist in Microelectronics and Quantum Computing at VTT, one of Europe’s leading research institutes, Deborah takes audiences to a world where quantum speedups help manufacture better batteries, discover improved drugs, provide more secure cryptography, provide more accurate prediction of the weather and climate, change the landscape of cybersecurity and beyond—in easy-to-understand terms.


A can't miss talk, audiences walk away with a better understanding of how various businesses are preparing to remain competitive in the quantum age.

Customer Loyalty in the Age of Big Data: Things About the Future, and the Future of Things


Customer engagement has entered a new era, where advanced personalized marketing and predictive sales are the norm. 


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In this cutting-edge talk, Deborah shows us how companies can use big data to achieve superior customer engagement and loyalty.


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It’s on track to not only be the next big thing in retail, but it is destined to become interwoven into the lives of consumers, setting us on a journey that will forever change the way we interact with the world around us. 


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